Water / Wastewater Industry
Cintar has a long history of water and wastewater projects and clients. We provide multidisciplinary services to water and wastewater clients in need of maintenance, repair and building structures that control water flows and resources. Existing clients utilize Cintar for industrial wastewater treatment and disposal, industrial water supply, municipal wastewater treatment and water distribution.

A sampling of services we provide our water/wastewater clients includes:
- Pre and Post Development Flows
- Narrative Description of Water
- Storm and Sanitary Modifications
- Flow Calculations
- Water and Sewer Applications
- DEP Sewage Facilities Planning Module
- Engineering & Design for Treatment Buildings
- On-Site Services
- Effluent Water Quality Requirements Pumping Stations
- Turbine Pumps
- Feed Lines
- Filtered Water Systems
- Gravity Filters
- Pressure Filters
- Compressible Filters
- Installations Specifications for
- Filters
- Pumps
- Power & Controls
- On-Site Checkout
- Start-Up